Recommended Links

See below for some links to resources that are close to our heart and that we find very useful.


ttlharmony is our sister company and other passion. I help spiritually-oriented people move towards experiencing perfect health through personal awakening. That is, we work together to heal your emotions and balance your energy, so you can experience joy and healthy vitality.


The Angel News Network is a wonderful resource that provides channeled messages from spiritual messengers from other dimensions to help us realize a new Golden Age of community, harmony and equality.


The Order of Melchizedek is a beautiful nonreligious service order of people committed to teach and/or heal emerging humans.


We really enjoy The Intenders of the Highest Good. They share some inspiring and beautiful intentions and give you an opportunity to add your energy towards helping to materialize an expanded heavenly world.


It’s interesting, we see plenty of people whom we admire tremendously in their spiritual development who don’t seem to live that the quality of the physical food that we take into our physical bodies is important. So, we guess maybe there are at least three different spiritual-type growth paths (spiritual – i.e. love and compassion, psychic abilities and physical – i.e. high vibration energy in physical body development) and it appears that these are all distinct. So, it appears that you can evolve spiritually and/or psychically amazingly well without taking in high-vibration food. Nonetheless, in addition to Lynn’s compelling interest in energy work, staying on top of the best ways to live with a high physical vibration has also been a long-time passion of hers.

Dr. Mercola’s website is the most visited natural health site on the Web and his newsletters are a wonderful resource that provides a baseline of information that we rely on to help give information about what foods are genuinely healthy and help support our high vibration. He started out as a typical Western medicine practitioner and has evolved into a strong leader in natural health information. It is our belief and opinion that nutrition is another area where there is a huge amount of misinformation available from traditional sources, so we personally follow a pretty wide variety of alternative experts and generally try to integrate the varying concepts that are shared. With Dr. Mercola, we don’t always find everything he has to say as necessarily the be-all and end-all or necessarily the most cutting-edge; nonetheless, we do always find his information helpful as a baseline of nutritional ideas that we feel are generally accurate and reliable. Oh, and we like the way he sets up his frequent newsletters, with both a really good condensed summary along with the expanded details.

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Sigrira is a beautiful soul who has the gift to communicate with all life, from souls on the other side, to the smallest of living insects. We believe in her vision, “I envision a world where we transcend species and understand each other as equals through love.”